Coffee and Milk Holders

We produce a wide variety of coffee cup and milk holders.  Listed below are some of our most popular products, however we can also custom design to meet your individual needs.

Coffee and Milk Holder Price List:

(please note that the part numbers are in parenthesis after the price)



NY Style Coffee/Condiment Holder Station

N.Y. coffee/condiment holder.  Removable inside partitions make it easy to clean- $180 (NYCOFFEECONDWDEC)

3 qt milk holders with 2 ice packs- $47 (3QTMILKHOLD)

Syrup holder w/o sign holder- $49 (SYRUPCAROWOSIGN)

Syrup holder with sign holder- $56 (SYRUPCAROUWSIGN)

International cooler (holds 4 round quarts) with 6 ice packs- $70 (INTERNATLCOOLR1)


NY Style Coffee/Condiment Holder

N.Y. coffee/condiment holder- $180 (NYCOFFEECONDWDEC)


Milk Holders

Milk holders will hold 3, 4, or 5 quarts of milk.  They come with 2, 3, or 4 ice packs, respectively.  All sizes come in black or white

3 qt.- $47 (3QTMILKHOLD)

4 qt.- $49 (4QTMILKHOLD)

5 qt.- $51 (5QTMILKHOLD)


1 quart and 1 half gallon milk holder with 2 ice packs– $47 (1QT1HALFGAL)

4 quart and 2 1/2 gallon milk holder with 5 ice packs– $62 (4QT2HALFGAL)

4 quart and 1 1/2 gallon milk holder with 4 ice packs– $58 (4QT1HALFGAL)

6 quart milk holder with 5 ice packs– $60 (6QTMILKHOLD)

4 half gallon milk holder with 3 ice packs– $58 (4HALFGALMILKHO)

Extra ice packs

picture coming soon

You can have 1 set of ice packs in the freezer while having the other set in the unit.  You can rotate these so that the milk is always cold- $3.60/ps.  Example; the 4 qt. milk holder has 3 ice packs/unit, so it would only cost $10.80 for another set of ice packs. (ICEPACKMILK)


Coffee Clutch Holder– $18 (COFFEECLUTCHHDR)

picture coming soon


Pretzel Bin

The pretzel bin comes with a side tissue holder and a lid that will close by itself to prevent moisture loss.

Bin with tissue holder- $54 (PRETZELBINCOL)


Condiment Holder

These units are manufactured out of a special high impact material that resists breakage

2 foot- $100 (2’CONDHOLDER)

3 foot- $110 (3’CONDHOLDER)


Bagel Bin

The bagel bin is made out of clear acrylic and has 2 tissue holders, 1 on each end.



Big Brew Cup Holder

This is an accessory to the old style coffee/condiment holder (before Big Brew)

4 bin (2 cup and 2 lid) holder- $44 (BIGBREWCUPHO)